Here are some images from the successful Alternative Transportation Fair that took place last week!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Green Up Day at the New Site: You're Invited!
In celebration of Green Up Day, several Student Advisory Board members and staff will be meeting at the Winooski site (1 Abenaki Way) this Saturday at 10:00AM to pick up trash behind our new building.
We would love to have some help so please, if interested, join us! The weather is supposed to be sunny and 77 degrees…perfect garbage collecting temperature! Trash bags will be provided but be sure to dress appropriately.
image by Olof S
Posted by Anonymous at 10:00 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Location for the Alternative Transportation Fair Announced!
The Alternative Transportation Fair will take place in the Lobby of the Department of Health at 108 Cherry Street on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from noon-2pm
Go Vermont!, Vermont Bike and Ped Coalition, CCTA, and CCV will be there to provide information on alternative transportation options.
CCV's Moving Toward Sustainability class is working on solutions, guidance, information, and support that will encourage more people to leave their cars at home in favor of carpools, the bus, walking, biking, and other muscle-powered transportation. Let's make our move to Winooski an opportunity to start new patterns, and move toward greater campus sustainability! All visitors can enter to win free raffle items.
image by ecastro
Posted by Anonymous at 9:14 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Enter CCV's Leave Your Car At Home Challenge (LYCAH)!
How will you get to CCV next fall?
CCV and the CCV Moving Toward Sustainability class challenge you to leave your personal car at home and carpool, walk, bike, or bus to school instead. If everyone can do this for even one week, it will reduce traffic congestion in Winooski, lower individual transportation costs, reduce pollution, and may even spark new friendships.
Pledge to leave your car at home and be automatically entered in a raffle for a $30 gift certificate to the Skirack, or a free 10-ride bus pass.
- Step 1: Pick up an entry form at the Learning Center or Pearl Street reception desks
- Step 2: Fill out the form with your pledge and contact information so we can tell you if you won the raffle.
- Step 3: Drop off your entry sheet at 119 Pearl St. or Learning Center Reception desk. You can also enter online at
- Step 4: Come to CCV’s Alternative Transportation Fair on Apr 29, 12 noon – 2 pm where the drawing to be held at 2 pm!
Posted by Anonymous at 2:55 PM
CCV Instructor, Gabe Hartstein, Featured in the News!
As we all know CCV is blessed with a most varied and talented pool of instructors.
Gabe Hartstein, one of our dedicated mathematics instructors in Burlington, frequently speaks to groups about his holocaust experience. Here is an article regarding Gabe’s most recent presentation in Utica, New York.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:27 AM
Monday, April 19, 2010
International Food Fest: A huge success!
More than 200 people attended the International Food Festival last week as the sun set on the Overlook Café balcony in Burlington.
CCV students prepared dozens of different dishes including Ethiopian injera, Vietnamese egg rolls, Nepalese aaloo gobi tarkari, Cuban empanada and Colombian ceviche. They hailed from many countries including Uruguay, Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Mali, China, Guam and the United States. Most importantly they reinforced the connections they have to home, each other and the greater CCV community. Champlain College student Van, a CCV graduate from Vietnam, told me “I came back to this because I love it and I still have friends here.”
Thank you to all of our cooks, hosts, musicians, and attendees for making the IFF an event to remember.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:32 AM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Alterative Transportation Fair: You're invited!
How will you get to CCV in Winooski?
The Moving Toward Sustainability class, led by Jeanie Williams, invites all students, faculty and staff to an Alternative Transportation Fair on Thursday, April 29 from noon to 2 pm to help the CCV community explore and discuss our transportation options. Please come to support students in their work to develop solutions, and compile helpful information related to alternative transportation at CCV.
- Listen to short student presentations on alternative transportation solutions and incentives. Discuss student projects with individuals.
- Access resources on why biking, walking, bussing, and carpooling are so valuable and how to take part in these activities.
- Enter free raffle drawings for prizes related to alternative transportation.Share your strategy for getting to CCV. How will you challenge yourself to leave your car at home?
- Speak with representatives from transportation organizations such as CCTA and the Vermont Bike and Pedestrian Coalition.
Please contact Jeanie Williams, 802-310-2285,, if you have any questions, or if you have something to contribute to the fair. This is a whole community event.
image by gabriel amadeus
Posted by Anonymous at 9:23 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Make the Move to Our New Blog Site!
On May 17th, we'll be in our new Winooski facility!
In anticipation of the move, we've created a new CCV Winooski Blog
Please make sure to change your bookmarks to following URL:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:25 AM
Grow With Us: It's Your Move!
Tired of the same old, same old? Try Something New!
Check out these NEW degree programs available fall 2010:
- Environmental Science, Degree
- Sustainable Building Technology, Certificate
- Computer Systems Management
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- Human Services
- Massage Therapy and Bodywork
Posted by Anonymous at 9:14 AM
Monday, April 5, 2010
Free Financial Education Seminars!
· Financial Classes · One-on-one Coaching · Educational Seminars · All FREE!
To SIGN UP call Molly at (802)860-1417 x104
All Chittenden classes are held at 294 North Winooski Avenue!
“Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve . We will talk as a group about ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present with our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
Evening series:Mondays May 3, 10, & 17 6-8pm
Evening series: Mondays June 14, 21, & 28 6-8pm
“Keys to Credit” Class—This class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smart about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started. This is a two-part series.
Evening series:Thursdays May 27 & June 3 , 6-8pm
“Creating a Financial Future” Class—Learn to start building household savings in this class. An emergency fund, a Roth IRA, a Mutual Fund—all of these key concepts of long-terms savings will be explained in detail.
Evening series: Mondays April 5 & 12, 6-8pm (Last chance to sign up)
Daytime series: Tuesdays June 1 & 8, 10am-12pm
“Keys to Credit” Class—This two-part class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smart about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started.
Daytime series: Wednesday April 14 & Thursday April 15 , 10am-12pm. At the People's Trust Bank in downtown St Albans.
New Event! Free Credit Report Review Day in St Albans —
We will pull your credit report and credit score for no cost on April 16 from 9:30am-2pm. Call in advance to make an appointment. A credit counselor will talk with you for 20 minutes about ways to improve the score and steps to maintain or rebuild good credit. The event takes place on the 4th floor of the American House on Upper Main St. in St Albans. Call Molly at 802-860-1417 x104 to schedule an appointment.
“Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve. We will talk as a group about creative ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
Daytime series: Thursdays April 29, May 6, & May 13, 10am-12pm. At VT Dept of Health building on 700 Exchange St. in Middlebury.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:16 AM
Friday, April 2, 2010
International Food Festival! You're Invited!
Sample food from around the world....for free!
Join us for the 10th annual
International Food Festival
Wednesday, April 14th
5-7pm, Community College of Vermont
Overlook Cafe, 119 Pearl Street, 2nd Floor
Burlington, VT
The public is welcome, so invite your family and friends!
Share a dish, share a culture
image by Ray_from_LA
Posted by Anonymous at 8:55 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today is Community College Poetry Day!
Kay Ryan, the U.S. Poet Laureate, has established this day--the start of National Poetry Month--as Community College Poetry Day.
She will be holding a live videoconference today (1:00 PM) where she will talk with students from several community colleges about the process of writing and revising her own poems and finding the inspiration to write.
You can find more details about the national celebration--and a link to the videoconference--by going here:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:17 AM
Monday, March 29, 2010
Grow With Us: It's Your Move! Week 5
Student Spaces
Here are a few of the many nooks and crannies available for you to get together with your study groups and friends:
- Room 110 - Community Room: Tables, comfy chairs, beautiful views all located conveniently in this inviting communal space on the first floor.
- Room 111 - The Quiet Study: Located across from the Community Room on the first floor, this room is perfect for getting your homework done between classes.
- Room 211C - Work Group Room: Student group workspace.
- Room 302 - Student Lounge: Vending machines and café tables make this a nice place to take a break.
- Terrace: Sit outside in the sun on our beautiful terrace located on the 1st floor.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:49 AM
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
VSC Board of Trustees selects CCV President!
By unanimous action of the VSC Board of Trustees, Joyce Judy was offered and accepted the position of CCV President on Thursday, March 18th.
According to Chancellor, Tim Donovan, "By every measure, Joyce rose to the top of a strong national pool of more than 50 candidates. Joyce's command of the issues facing CCV, her vision for its potential, and her strong relationships with CCV faculty, staff and community partners will serve CCV well as its new president."
We are proud to have President Judy at the helm. Congratulations!
Posted by Anonymous at 2:57 PM
Move With Us: It's Your Move! Week 4
Getting There…In Order of Green
Ride your bike
Weather protected bike racks will be available, and Riverside Avenue has a bike path for riders coming from Burlington.
If you live or work within walking distance, this is a great way to stay healthy!
Take the Bus
Essex Jct. and Winooski/Riverside bus routes run right by the building throughout the day until classes end. CCV will sell discounted bus passes to encourage this green transportation alternative. Just $.80 per ride!!
Check out the new CCV RideBoard in the student portal at
Drive (not so green…)
Paid parking is available in the City of Winooski parking garage. Purchase semester-long passes based on your class schedule, at the cost of about $1.00/hour.
Posted by Anonymous at 8:54 AM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Come Support the Arts at CCV!
Fundamentals of Jazz Dance Student Performance- Instructor, Karen Amirault
What better way to spend a Monday evening than with great music and very excited dancers showing off their moves? Karen is so encouraging with her beginning students- it’s a joy to see what they accomplish in one semester!
CCV Cherry St., Room LL7
Friday, April 30 at 7:30 pm
Saturday, May 1 at 7:30 pm
The Burlington Community Choir, The Queen City Larks -Directed by Amity Baker
Accompanied by Carolyn Wood
The Burlington Community Choir is stronger than ever with 45 members! Come see them and our small auditioned choir, The Queen City Larks.
This is always an inspirational evening- I promise you’ll want to join the choir even if you’ve never sung a note! Amity’s energy and enthusiasm is infectious!
The First Congregational Church Chapel, 38 So. Winooski Ave. (across from Rite Aid)
Friday, May 7 at 7:00 pm
Student Performances
Guitar I- Instructor, Greg Matses, Acting I- Instructor, Donald Rowe
Greg’s guitar students cover everything from Haydn to Bob Marley- he even coaxes them to sing! Don has a nice large class of 16 this semester so hopefully we’ll see some intense dramatic scenes! It’s always amazing to see the creativity and confidence our students have!
CCV Cherry St., Room LL7
Posted by Anonymous at 9:49 AM
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Grow With Us: It's Your Move!
THE LEARNING CENTER: Winooski’s hub of student academic success!Features:
- A large, bright space for academic assistance & homework.
- A room specifically for group project work with access to technology.
- A small computer lab for assistance with Blackboard, research, & writing.
- An office for Writing Lab appointments. · An office for instructor-student meetings.
- Nooks & tables for individual homework, reading, or studying.
Posted by Anonymous at 8:47 AM
Friday, March 12, 2010
You're invited to our Transfer Fair!
All CCV students are invited to attend the upcoming:
Transfer Fair
Tuesday, March 16th 9:30am-noon
Elm Street Office in Montpelier, VT
Meet with transfer representatives from the following partner schools:
- Burlington College
- College of St Joseph’s
- Goddard College
- Marlboro College
- Southern Vermont College
- Springfield College
- Sterling College
- University of Vermont
- Castleton State College
- Johnson State College
- Lyndon State College
Posted by Anonymous at 1:42 PM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Reflections from Catrina Maxwell, CCV Student
I, Catrina Maxwell, served in the U.S. Air Force as an active duty munitions technician from October 18th 2004 to October 18th 2008. “The Things They Carried” is a short story about soldiers serving during the Vietnam War. After reading the short story “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien, I was deeply moved and felt compelled to write the following response:
Being in the military can be a lot like being a Martian. There is an intrinsic feeling that you are part of something distant and misunderstood, while everyone else carries on in some other plane of existence that is both fascinated by, and fearful of your presence. Tim O’Brien knows this feeling of alienation well, being a veteran himself. In his short story, “The Things They Carried”, O’Brien gives the reader a glimpse into the great many things that separate us (in the service) from the civilians, the burden of which is remarkable.
His main character, Lt. Jimmy Cross, gives the reader a laundry list of tangible items and their weight. This physical, specified weight is an integral piece in the full picture of the story. The reader must know the load of these things to understand the crushing pain of carrying it. For all of the blood in combat, there is an equal amount of sweat, and the struggle with each is palpable. From the Kevlar of the helmet to the steel toes inside the boots, the bulk is exhausting and extremely limiting, which makes freedom an impossibility. The weight of the things that the men carry on their bodies is both painful and binding.
So too are the emotional encumbrances that they carry. These are perhaps even more
devastating as they are indispensable. The author has given these men additional cargo that cannot be blown apart or thrown away. Kiowa bunkers down in a foxhole with the rest of the men, but his mistrust still presses down on him. Lavender carries on beneath the weight of his paranoia, until the moment a bullet grants him leave. Lt. Cross can burn the pictures of her, but his love for Martha still nags at him, and eventually, turns him into another cog in the stone faced machine. These are not weights that can be left in the dirt; these are weights that are gnarled into the soul.
Catrina is enrolled in Deborah Straw's Introduction to Literature class this spring.
image by Beverly & Pack
Posted by Anonymous at 8:20 AM
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dana Lee Exhibit Tonight!
CCV's very own Coordinator, Dana Lee, will be exhibiting his artwork tonight at the:
Located at 78 Rose Street, Burlington, VT
All are welcome to attend the opening reception from 6-8pm!
Posted by Anonymous at 2:06 PM
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Grow With Us: It's your Move! (Week 2)
Winooski Hot Spots!
Wondering where you will get your coffee and food? Just walk to these downtown Winooski hot spots!
- Val’s Wild Tomato—a one minute walk for coffee, sandwiches, and much more
- Waf’s Westside Deli—a one minute walk to sandwiches, pizza, and free Wi-Fi
- The Block Gallery—a four minute walk to coffee, pastries, and a hip gallery
- Asian Bistro—Asian cuisine including fresh sushi
- Sneakers Bistro—famous for its breakfast, lunch, and brunch
- Tiny Thai—great lunch specials
- Donny’s NY Pizza—Italian and Greek specialties
- And more!!!
image by c21jrooney
Posted by Anonymous at 11:07 AM
You're Invited: Careers in Healthcare Info Session!
Interested in working in healthcare? Join us to learn more about job opportunities in healthcare, future occupational trends, and the educational pathways at CCV that will help you achieve your goals. In addition, there will be advisors available assist you after the information session.
Careers in Healthcare
Information Session
Friday, March 12th, 2010 10:00 am –11:30 am
Check-in begins at 9:45 am Cherry Street, Room LL7 (lower level), Burlington, VT
Spaces Limited! RSVP soon to or 651-1784
image by Seattle Municipal Archives
Posted by Anonymous at 8:43 AM
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
CCV Winooski: A "Green" Building
Your new CCV Winooski site will be a “silver” LEED certified building! What does that mean? It means we will...
· Support Alternative Transportation
· Promote the Use of Renewable Materials &
· Improve Air Quality
· Reduce Water Consumption
· Use Safe Cleaning Products
Posted by Ian Boyd at 1:24 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
Student Success Week: Thank you for participating!
Thank you for participating in student success week! We hope you all are entering the mid-point of the semester fully energized and ready to take on your coursework.
Top Responses to Day Four's Question: Who are the primary people in your support system, and why?
- “Angie Albeck and Rick Leete (two CCV Academic Advisors). I can confide in these people for any help and support (regarding) problems and concerns.” ~R.C.
- “My friends, some new and old classmates, my family, and my ‘always there to hug and listen’ cat.” ~A.T.
image by takomabibelot
Posted by Anonymous at 10:28 AM
Friday, February 26, 2010
Free Career Development Workshops!
The Vermont Department of Labor recently posted their March schedule of career workshops and events! The Department of Labor is conveniently located on Pearl Street, just one block away from our building, so take advantage our partner resources.
In addition, it would be great to get some resume and job search prep in anticipation of the 2010 Second Annual Reinvent Yourself Conference and Job Fair. Be sure to check out our events page for all of the details. Free parking, free admission, free advice--what more could you ask for?
Posted by Anonymous at 3:22 PM
Student Success Week: Day Four!
It's week five, and DAY FOUR of Student Success Week--a week where we try to offer some activities that promote support strategies and snacks that will refuel your energy.
Question of the Day:
Who are the main people in your support system?
Top responses to Day Three's Question: How do you Balance school & life commitments?
- “I try to finish my work on the weekends before I have class. I finish my work in order of classes, and then I have the week in case something comes up.” ~E.G.
- “Prioritize workout and homework. Keep it simple, and easy does it.” ~ R.N.
Make sure to place your answer in one of the raffle boxes located in the Pearl Street Lobby or outside of the Learning Center on Cherry Street.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:36 AM
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Student Success Week: Day Three!
It's week five, and DAY THREE of Student Success Week--a week where we try to offer some activities that promote support strategies and snacks that will refuel your energy.
Question of the Day:
How do you balance school and life commitments?
Top responses to Day Two's Question: What do you do if you HAVE to miss a class?
- "Notify your teacher as soon as possible. Make arrangements to get notes, papers, homework for class. Hand in your homework ahead of time or email it to your teacher if possible, or leave it in your teacher's box." ~H.P.
- "Email your professor at least 24 hours prior to class." ~R.M.
- "Call my instructor (or email) and explain my situation. Look for makeup time to make sure I stay on top of homework." ~R.C.
Make sure to place your answer in one of the raffle boxes located in the Pearl Street Lobby or outside of the Learning Center on Cherry Street.
If you don't have class today, no worries! There is one more raffle question to come.
image by aeu04117
Posted by Anonymous at 9:18 AM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Student Success Week: Day Two
It's week five, and DAY TWO of Student Success Week--a week where we try to offer some activities that promote support strategies and snacks that will refuel your energy.
Question of the Day:
What do you do if you HAVE to miss a class?
Make sure to place your answer in one of the raffle boxes located in the Pearl Street Lobby or outside of the Learning Center on Cherry Street.
If you don't have class today, no worries! There are three more raffle questions to come.
image by Sara. Nel
Posted by Anonymous at 12:33 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
Student Success Week: Day One
It's week five, and DAY ONE of Student Success Week--a week where we try to offer some activities that promote support strategies and snacks that will refuel your energy.
Question of the Day:
Who is your CCV Academic Advisor?
Make sure to place your answer in one of the raffle boxes located in the Pearl Street Lobby or outside of the Learning Center on Cherry Street.
If you don't have class today, no worries! There are four more raffle questions to come.
image by Search Engine People Blog
Posted by Anonymous at 11:16 AM
Shot for a Shot Campaign-Change of date!
Preventing the Flu One Cup at a Time
Your H1N1 Flu Shot = Free Coffee!
This is a quick reminder to get your free H1N1 flu shot at CCV on Thursday, March 4th from 12:30-4pm, and you’ll get a coupon for a free cup of coffee or tea at area coffee shops. You also have a shot at winning concert tickets to Higher Ground for you and 3 friends.
Go to for participating vendors and program details.
Here is the link to our web page about this promotion.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:54 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
CCV's Career Readiness Certificate in the News!
Congressman Welch held a press conference at the CCV site in Montpelier yesterday to announce funding support for CCV’s Career Readiness Certificate program. The Congressman was instrumental in helping to secure $150,000 to support the continuation of this program.
Two students, Jay Bresett of Montpelier and Everette Fluery from Waterbury, as well as Green Moutain Coffee Roaster supervisor, Mike Vasseur, spoke about the value of this program.
To hear more, here is link to an article from the Times Argus
Great job, CCV!
image by Art Poskanzer
Posted by Anonymous at 9:08 AM
Friday, February 12, 2010
Free Personal Finance Seminars Starting Soon!
We could all use a little help when it comes to managing our finances, right?
Consider taking one of the following FREE seminar or class with the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity's Growing Money Program:
(Note: All Chittenden classes are held at 294 North Winooski Avenue!)
- “Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve . We will talk as a group about ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present with our helpful guide to community resources in your area. NEXT CLASSES-- Evening series: Mondays, March 1, 8, & 15 6-8pm. Daytime series: Wednesdays, March 3, 10, & 17 10am-12noon. Evening series: Tuesdays, April 6, 13, & 20 6-8pm
- “Keys to Credit” Class—This class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smart about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started. This is a two-part series. NEXT CLASS-- Evening series: Mondays, March 22 & 29, 6-8pm
- “Creating a Financial Future” Class—Learn to start building household savings in this class. An emergency fund, a Roth IRA, a Mutual Fund—all of these key concepts of long-terms savings will be explained in detail. NEXT CLASSES-- Evening series: Mondays, April 5 & 9, 6-8pm. Daytime series: Tuesdays, April 20 & 27, 10am-12pm.
- To register, please call Molly Grover at (802)860-1417 x104
image by
Posted by Anonymous at 9:56 AM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
H1N1 Clinic: It's free and you're all invited!
It's that time of year when the flu bug finds its way into our schools, homes, and communities. Make sure you're protected!
How? Come and get your H1N1 flu vaccine at CCV's H1N1 clinic.
Thursday, March 4th, 2010
12 pm - 4:30 pm
Conference Room 2C, 2nd floor, 119 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT
This event is free and open to all members of the CCV community, including children.
For more information please contact CCV at (802) 865-4422.
image by by The Artifex
Posted by Anonymous at 8:03 AM